Managing with Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (‘EQ’) is defined as the ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are able to recognize their own emotions and those of others, then adjust their communication style to lead to more productive outcomes. This course will explore the difference between IQ and EQ, then practice applying emotional intelligence techniques in a variety of workplace settings.

Transitioning from Staff to Supervisor

Most supervisors are promoted to their positions because of competence in their field, not necessarily their proficiency with managing others. Often times new supervisors receive little or no training on how to navigate their new role. This course addresses common challenges faced by new supervisors and provides participants with tools and techniques to be successful in their supervisor role.

Tools and Techniques for Difficult Conversations

Sooner or later every manager is faced with the prospect to delivering bad news to his or her team members. This may be job cuts, lack of salary increases, added workload, the need for corrective behavior, or many other challenging situations managers face. This course uses role play scenarios to address these difficult situations with empathy while being firm about the required changes. Participants should bring recent or expected difficult interactions to the training to make the exercises relevant to your daily work. Completing the Managing with Emotional Intelligence course prior to this course is recommended, but not required.


Investment Essentials